Archive of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová
Without love, without humanity, without compassion of human to human, nothing can succeed.
Přemysl Pitter


Přemysl Pitter in the Nativity scene in Žižkov
The Nativity scene in Žižkov shows the scenery of Žižkov from the first half of the 20th century. It is unique in that the figures, in addition to biblical... read more
90th anniversary of the opening of Milíč House
On Sunday, December 3, the Milíč House Kindergarten held an event commemorating the 90th anniversary of the opening of Milíč House in Prague, Žižkov. On... read more
Stolpersteine were laid in the memory of Hildegarde and Emil Vogls
On 17 April 2023 a laying of the Stolpersteine and a commemorative ceremony was held in Prague, Mánesova Street 53, in the memory of Hildegarde and Emil Vogls... read more
Blanka Sedláčková
On January 25, Mrs. Blanka Sedláčková celebrates her 95th birthday. Blanka Sedláčková spent her childhood in Žižkov and as a child she attended the Milíč-House... read more
During the Festive Ceremony on the Occasion of Czech National Day on 28th of October 2022, the President of the Czech Republic awarded the Medal of Merit in... read more
Chava Pressburger
Only a few days ago we received the sad news of the death of Chava Pressburger, née Eva Ginz. Eva and her brother Petr grew up in a mixed Czech-Jewish family... read more
Appreciation of the documentary Přemysl Pitter´s “Children” in the international festival F@IMP
The awards of international festival F@IMP (Festival of Audiovisual and Innovative Museum Media Productions) were announced as a part of the 26th ICOM General... read more
The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius participates in the international festival F@IMP 2021 (Festival of Audiovisual International... read more


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