Archive of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová
Without love, without humanity, without compassion of human to human, nothing can succeed.
Přemysl Pitter

Appreciation of the documentary Přemysl Pitter´s “Children” in the international festival F@IMP

The awards of international festival F@IMP (Festival of Audiovisual and Innovative Museum Media Productions) were announced as a part of the 26th ICOM General Conference in Prague. The festival is organized by the ICOM International Council of Museums Subcommittee on New Audiovisual Technologies and Social Media AVICOM.

The award ceremony of the F@IMP 2021-2022 festival took place on August 25, 2022 at the National Technical Museum. Museums competed in several categories, with awards given not only to films with museum themes, but also museum innovative efforts in promotional shots, educational projects, websites and in virtual reality.

NPMK submitted the documentary Přemysl Pitter´s "Children”. The international jury of the F@IMP 2021-2022 festival awarded this film with a silver medal in the category of museum films. It was awarded primarily for its strong ethical charge and current humanitarian message. The film with the statements of the witnesses, whom the humanist P. Pitter helped to overcome the deep war traumas after the end of World War II, was able to establish itself with exceptional urgency among the films of ambitious South American and Asian museums.

The movie Přemysl Pitter´s "Children" summarizes the humanitarian work of P. Pitter and his co-workers during the "Operation Castles" 1945-1947.


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