Archive of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová
Without love, without humanity, without compassion of human to human, nothing can succeed.
Přemysl Pitter

Participation in the international festival F@IMP 2021

The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius participates in the international festival F@IMP 2021 (Festival of Audiovisual International Multimedia Patrimony) with the documentary program Přemysl Pitter´s "Children”. The festival is organized by the ICOM International Council of Museums Subcommittee on New Audiovisual Technologies and Social Media AVICOM.

The movie Přemysl Pitter´s "Children" summarizes the humanitarian work of P. Pitter and his co-workers during the "Operation Castles" 1945-1947.

The documentary is available here:

More info:

© Comenius National Pedagogical Museum and Library 2013–2025