Archive of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová
Without love, without humanity, without compassion of human to human, nothing can succeed.
Přemysl Pitter

Stolpersteine were laid in the memory of Hildegarde and Emil Vogls

On 17 April 2023 a laying of the Stolpersteine and a commemorative ceremony was held in Prague, Mánesova Street 53, in the memory of Hildegarde and Emil Vogls. Both of them were Doctors of Medicine, members of Woodcraft Movement, who led clubs for German Jewish youth before World War II. On 31 October 1941 the Vogls were deported from Prague to Łódź Ghetto with Transport D. Hildegarde was murdered during holocaust. Emil Vogl survived and, after the liberation, became involved as a doctor in "Operation Castles", where he took care for children returning from concentration and internment camps.

The laying of the Stolpersteine initiated The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius with financial support of the Foundation of P. Pitter and O. Fierz. Organization of depositing new stones provides the Publicly Beneficial Association Supporting Persons Affected by Holocaust.

In the ceremony there took part contemporary witness Blanka Sedláčková, a family friend of Emil Vogl Mrs. Ivanka Šonková, director of NPMK Markéta Pánková, Katrin Bock from the Cultural Department of the German Embassy, representatives of the Municipality of Prague 2, representatives of the Foundation of P. Pitter and O. Fierz and also many members of Woodcraft Movement.

The biographies of Hildegarde and Emil Vogl you can read HERE.

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