Archive of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová
Without love, without humanity, without compassion of human to human, nothing can succeed.
Přemysl Pitter

The picture exhibition „I am Yehuda Bacon. The Holocaust and post-war period seen by Israeli painter of Czech origin“

On 21 September 2017, The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius introduced paintings of the world-renowned Israeli artist of Czech origin Yehuda Bacon, inspired by the traumatic experience as a teenager in the Terezin ghetto and in the concentration camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Mauthausen and Gunskirchen. Yehuda Bacon was born in Ostrava, he is an internationally respected person who provides media interviews about Holocaust. Several documentaries were made about him. The exhibition “I am Yehuda Bacon. The Holocaust and post-war period seen by Israeli artist of Czech origin“ offers not only paintings influenced by oppressive motives, but also author´s new life optimism and faith in love of human. For health reasons the author didn´t participate in the opening ceremony, but he sent his salutatory speech shoot in Jerusalem to this occasion. During the opening ceremony was presented publication of the same name.

Yehuda Bacon:

  • Exhibits his paintings in Prague for the second time.
  • He visited Prague earlier together with the group of survivors of so called Birkenau Boys, who had to work in Auschwitz-Birkenau for Mengele.
  • Bacon was born in Ostrava in 1929 and in 1942 was deported to the concentration camp in Terezin with his parents and sister.
  • He was the key witness in the process with A. Eichmann in Israel.
  • He lives and works in Israel and he still takes part in the education of the young generation.
  • Bacon cooperates with The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius which shoot a documentary about him.


© Comenius National Pedagogical Museum and Library 2013–2025