Archive of Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierzová
Without love, without humanity, without compassion of human to human, nothing can succeed.
Přemysl Pitter

Do you know that?

Do you know that there is a street in Prague named after Přemysl Pitter?
This street is parallel with Olšanska Street and is situated in Prague 3 nearby Milič House, a social-educational facility opened in Prague´s Žižkov district by Přemysl Pitter and his colleagues in 1933.

Do you know that there is a postage stamp dedicated to Přemysl Pitter?
The stamp, marking the 100th birth anniversary of Přemysl Pitter, was issued in 1995. The stamp was designed by graphic designer Oldřich Kulhánek.

Do you know that there is a minor planet named after Přemysl Pitter?
Asteroid 48785 Pitter (1997 SA2) was discovered by P. Pravec in 1997.

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